bayernhafen Aschaffenburg

Logistics hub for the Bavarian Rhine-Main region

bayernhafen Aschaffenburg efficiently links the transport routes of inland waterway, rail and road, and is the key logistics hub for the Bavarian Rhine-Main region. It makes a significant contribution to the supply of goods to the region’s inhabitants and businesses and provides regional companies with seamless access to international transport networks.

Aschaffenburg is a successful example of bayernhafen’s “land recycling instead of land consumption” strategy: where required, land is prepared for new forms of use through intelligent land management. For decades, the port was home to an electricity power station and switching facilities. After the power station was decommissioned and the switching station was considerably reduced in size, at the beginning of the new century, bayernhafen succeeded in converting the site into a commercial area offering a diverse range of uses.

hectares port area
companies in the port
Handling by rail & water
Road journeys saved:
per year

Our high-performance infrastructure provides you with non-discriminatory and cost-effective access to the three equal modes of transport rail, road and inland waterway.

Furthermore, we efficiently manage the basic infrastructure such as the electricity network, water supply and sewerage system.

In order to provide the companies operating from our port with the best possible connections and accessibility, we permanently invest in the development of our infrastructure.

Should you experience any disruption or impediments when using our infrastructure, we can be reached around the clock via our location-wide hotline.

Central Disruption Management Infrastructure:

Accident Reporting Line (24 hr)
Phone 0800 7240 320

News from Aschaffenburg


“Investment and infrastructure projects at bayernhafen Aschaffenburg are building a stable foundation for the future”

Aschaffenburg, 18 March 2024 – 1.22 million tonnes of goods were moved by train and barge at bayernhafen Aschaffenburg in…

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New station and boathouse for Aschaffenburg water police inaugurated

14 September saw the official inauguration of the new station and boathouse built for the water police unit in Aschaffenburg.…

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Double-digit million investment boost for bayernhafen Aschaffenburg

Aschaffenburg, 15.03.2023 – Despite 2022 being a difficult year, bayernhafen Aschaffenburg showed what it was capable of: Almost 80,000 truck…

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bayernhafen Aschaffenburg

bayernhafen Aschaffenburg combines reliability of supply, modal shift and environmental protection

Aschaffenburg, 15 March 2022 – bayernhafen brings together a diverse range of goods and delivers the right infrastructure to meet…

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Facts & figures

How did bayernhafen Aschaffenburg develop last year? Which goods did it handle most?

Find answers to these questions and the most important facts and figures here.

Modal shift 2023

Inland waterway


bayernhafen Aschaffenburg

Bayernhafen GmbH & Co. KG
Industriestraße 3
63741 Aschaffenburg

Contact persons

Alexander Zeiger

Alexander Zeiger

Branch Manager