13 December 2022 | Roth
Modules leave bayernhafen Roth for Bonn University

Transfer of the five room modules by mobile crane onto barge (Photo: bayernhafen/Popp)
When new buildings are constructed, or existing buildings are renovated or extended, there is a need for fast, high-quality, tailor-made solutions that can be used with great flexibility.
This is where the Cadolzburg-based company, Cadolto, heavy goods specialist Felbermayr and bayernhafen Roth come into play.
A mobile crane loaded the five room modules with great precision onto a barge at the temporary storage depot in bayernhafen Roth, so that the modules, which are up to 18 meters in length, can set off unhindered on their environmentally friendly, water-bourne journey to Bonn.
The modules are destined for the University of Bonn, where they will be used as a so-called ‘rotation building’ to provide flexible laboratory and office space while renovation work is carried out on the university buildings.