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Eine intakte Infrastruktur verkörpert die Lebensadern eines funktionierenden Logistiksystems. Unsere Standorte sind ganz überwiegend trimodal angebunden, verknüpfen also hocheffektiv die Verkehrsträger Binnenschiff, Bahn und LKW. Unsere Verkehrsinfrastruktur ist leistungsstark und vielfältig:
So verfügen unsere Standorte z.B. über Kaianlagen, ein eigenes Bahnnetz mit Zugbildungsanlagen, Ladestraßen und Verladerampen. Hinzu kommen Roll-on / Roll-off-Anlagen an unseren Standorten Regensburg, Nürnberg und Passau, mit denen straßengängige Fahrzeuge ohne Umschlaggerät zwischen Straße und Binnenschiff verladen werden können.
So garantieren wir unseren Hafenansiedlern und der verladenden Industrie in ganz Bayern den diskriminierungsfreien und kostengünstigen Zugang zu den Verkehrsträgern Binnenschiff, Bahn und LKW. Unternehmen der verschiedensten Branchen nutzen unsere Infrastruktur- und Verknüpfungsleistung. Dies trägt zur Standortsicherung bayerischer Unternehmen bei und sichert einen nahtlosen Güterumschlag.
Our high-performance infrastructure provides you with non-discriminatory and cost-effective access to the three equal modes of transport rail, road and inland waterway.
Furthermore, we efficiently manage the basic infrastructure such as the electricity network, water supply and sewerage system.
In order to provide the companies operating from our port with the best possible connections and accessibility, we permanently invest in the development of our infrastructure.
Should you experience any disruption or impediments when using our infrastructure, we can be reached around the clock via our location-wide hotline.
Central Disruption Management Infrastructure:
Accident Reporting Line (24 hr)
Phone 0800 7240 320
bayernhafen Aschaffenburg provides two docks and six quays with eleven cargo handling zones to handle your ship’s cargo.
bayernhafen Aschaffenburg maintains a high-performance publicly accessible rail infrastructure network complete with port marshalling yard and a total of 24 kilometres of rail network for the companies operating from its location. A trimodal CT terminal complements the infrastructure.
Our generously dimensioned track facilities in the quayside section and the freight yard enable easy shunting, assembling, loading and unloading of block trains. Block trains of up to 700 metres in length can enter and leave the freight marshalling yard in our port.
Almost 90% of bayernhafen’s land and four of the five quays are linked by rail to the port railway system.
bayernhafen Aschaffenburg is connected via Aschaffenburg Central Station to the trans-european rail network.
An infrastructure use agreement must be entered into prior to using the rail infrastructure service facilities.
bayernhafen provides its infrastructure to rail transport companies (RTCs) on a non-discriminatory and fee-paying basis. The RTCs are responsible for managing freight train transfers between the station and the port along with shunting operation within bayernhafen Aschaffenburg’s railway infrastructure. A number of RTCs offer rail services at the location. We will be more than pleased to coordinate your enquiry.
At our Aschaffenburg location i.a. the following RTCs offer rail services:
DB Cargo
Mainzer Landstraße 185
60327 Frankfurt
Eisenbahn-Bau- und Betriebsgesellschaft Pressnitztalbahn mbH
Am Bahnhof 78
09477 Jöhstadt
K-Rail GmbH
Münchener Straße 67
83395 Freilassing
LoConnect GmbH
Kranhaus 1, Am Zollhafen 18
50678 Köln
S-Rail GmbH
Innsbrucker Bundesstrasse 126a
5020 Salzburg
Starkenberger Güterlogistik GmbH
OT Kraasa
Gewerbegebiet 1
04617 Starkenberg
SGL – Schienen Güter Logistik GmbH
Fraunhoferstraße 9
85221 Dachau
Our high-performance infrastructure enables us to provide non-discriminatory and cost-effective access to the three equal modes of transport rail, road and inland waterway.
Should you experience any disruption or impediments when using our infrastructure, we can be reached around the clock via our location-wide hotline.
Central Disruption Management Infrastructure:
Accident Reporting Line (24 hr)
Phone 0800 7240 320
bayernhafen Regensburg has a water surface area of 22.7 hectares
This can be broken down as follows
- West Port (Westhafen): 820 metres in length / 72 metres wide
- East Port (Osthafen): 754 metres in length / 90 metres wide
- Oil port dock: 370 metres in length / 62 metres wide
- Ro-ro pier: 114 metres in length with the width of two ships
- Nominal depth: 3.70 metres
Total shore length: 10 km
Of which, quayside facilities: 5.2 km
bayernhafen Regensburg provides you with high-performance rail infrastructure delivering around 34 km of rail track. The port marshalling yard can easily accommodate block trains. Practically all land on the port and all quayside facilities have access to the port railway system.
As a result of our right of access to the German rail network, we can provide direct connections to the European rail network. bayernhafen Regensburg has its own freight transport station number (263087).
This infrastructure is increasingly used by rail transport companies and freight forwarders for environmentally efficient rail-bound transport logistics. The high-performance infrastructure is rounded off by a total of 75 points, one marshalling yard equipped with a decentralised electric points system, opportunities for trimodal combined transport and the terminal for loading trucks onto trains for the ‘Rolling Road’ rail service.
bayernhafen provides its infrastructure to rail transport companies (RTCs) on a non-discriminatory and fee-paying basis. The RTCs are responsible for managing freight train transfers from the station to the port as well as for shunting services within bayernhafen Regensburg’s railway infrastructure.
The following RTCs, among others, offer rail services at our Regensburg location:
DB Cargo AG
Robert-Bosch-Straße 5
93055 Regensburg
Internationale Gesellschaft für Eisenbahnverkehr
IGE GmbH & Co. KG
Am Bahngelände 2
91217 Hersbruck
Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH
c/o DB Schenker Rail AG
Postfach 1461
06204 Merseburg
SBB Cargo Deutschland GmbH
Schifferstraße 166
47059 Duisburg
More Information about the infrastructure in bayernhafen Regensburg