18 March 2024 | Bamberg
Future-proof bayernhafen Bamberg guarantees the reliable supply of goods
bayernhafen Bamberg in the 2023 financial year: 416,926 tonnes of goods moved by train and barge; 21,315 TEU throughput in combined transport; 765 river cruise ships

Bamberg, 18.03.2024 – 416,926 tonnes of goods were moved by train and barge at bayernhafen Bamberg in 2023, down 6.5% on the previous year. Around 24,100 road trips were saved by shifting long-distance traffic to the more environmentally friendly modes of transport of rail and inland waterway.
At 263,352 tonnes, rail freight handling in 2023 slightly surpassed (+0.9%) the volume achieved in 2022. Inland waterway handling volumes decreased 17% on the previous year’s volume to 153,574 tonnes. Combined transport throughput totalled 21,315 TEU (1 TEU is equal to one twenty-foot standard container), 17.3% down on 2022. In addition to containers used in seaport-hinterland traffic to and from Hamburg, Bremerhaven and Wilhelmshaven, combined transport included the transport to Bamberg of special containers used for domestic waste at the waste incineration plant in Erlangen. The inland waterway and rail networks were used to transport agricultural produce, construction materials, fuels, and heavy-lift components, such as production machines for breweries.