20 January 2022 | Nuremberg
From Nuremberg to Rotterdam and on to the UK and back
New Combined Transport service launched between Nuremberg and Rotterdam with shortsea connection to London, Dublin and Killingholme and back

A new intermodal link now connects the CT terminal in bayernhafen Nürnberg five times a week to Rotterdam Cobelfret. From Rotterdam, ferries travel on to London, Dublin and Killingholme. In addition to containers, the service also enables the transport of semi-trailers and swap bodies. This new link makes a direct contribution to shifting freight transport from the continental road routes on to the more environmentally friendly transport modes of inland waterway and rail, taking the strain off road systems and reducing CO2 emissions.
“The new continental rail service is our clear response to the shortages in terms of loading capacity and truck drivers that freight forwarders are currently facing not only on this corridor but across all road freight routes,” says Alexander Ochs, the Managing Director of Kombiverkehr KG. “We design the concepts for our intermodal trains for each region to enable direct transfer to other modes of transportation without the need for detours.”
One of the users of the link from Nuremberg to the UK via Rotterdam is the bayernhafen Roth-based logistics expert Heinloth Transport & Co. KG. “We use this service to address the needs of industry customers, who, in turn, want to reach their customers in the UK,” says Florian Bast, the Chief Operations Officer at Heinloth. “We serve a broad range of sectors, from customers in industry to the chemicals sector.”
The new CT link underscores the importance of closely networking inland ports and seaports. This results in flexible and, at the same time, robust transport chains – a clear advantage in view of the current strain placed on supply chains by Brexit and Corona. “Increasing the density of network connections means better connections for port customers, the shipping industry and the people of Bavaria,” says Joachim Zimmermann, the Chief Executive Officer of bayernhafen. “Through our role as site architects, we open up new routes to all relevant seaports for our partners as well as intensify existing routes. In so doing, we consider neutrality and maintaining a partnership as equals to be of paramount importance.”