17 January 2019 | Aschaffenburg
bayernhafen Aschaffenburg supports friends of children’s home
Symbolic handover ceremony at the home
Aschaffenburg, January 2019 – Once again bayernhafen Aschaffenburg lived true to its Christmas motto ‘donations not gifts’ when, instead of sending Christmas gifts to its business partners, it supported the work of a charity from the region. Port Director, Wolfgang Filippi, accepted an invitation to the children’s home where he symbolically handed over the donation of € 3,500.
Volunteers from the support group, Förderkreis für das Kinderheim Aschaffenburg e.V. (Friends of Aschaffenburg Children’s Home), dedicate their time to supporting the children’s home in Aschaffenburg in a wide variety of ways. The children’s home helps around 50 children and adolescents from the Untermain region between the ages of 6 and 19 who suffer from significant developmental difficulties. “Whereas the children’s home was originally established to help orphaned girls, it is now home mainly to children whose parents, for a number of reasons, are not able to look after them,” says the children’s home manager, Bruno Hein.
The chance to enjoy a fulfilling life takes a little bit more than the basic services provided by the City of Aschaffenburg. The Friends of Aschaffenburg Children’s Home initiates campaigns and provides resources that the public authorities are not able to provide to the adequate extent. Patrick Nüßler, the Chairman of the support group, listed a number of leisure Events and activities they organise. In addition to purchasing specialised learning and therapy materials, the support group also helps young people find accommodation and training places after they leave the children’s home.
Members of the public will have the chance to get a glimpse behind the scenes at an open day to be held at the children’s home on 28 September, 2019.
Find out more at: www.foerderkreis-kinderheim-aschaffenburg.de