18 December 2018 | Regensburg

bayernhafen Regensburg donation campaign

Help for Thomas Wiser children’s home

Logo Thomas Wiser Haus

bayernhafen Regensburg is supporting the Regenstauf-based children’, ‘Thomas Wiser Haus’, through a donation of € 3,500. bayernhafen’s Chief Executive Officer, Joachim Zimmermann, presented the donation cheque to the Managing Director of the Thomas Wiser Haus, Karl Heinz Weiß.

The Thomas Wiser Haus provides a range of therapeutic groups for more than 100 children and young people. Children who have been traumatised by violence and sexual abuse, girls suffering from eating disorders and children with family problems find a ‘home away from home’ in the various therapeutic residential groups. For young mothers with children there is a separate residential group. It also offers home visits to help them take care of their children.

The core mission of the Thomas Wiser Haus is to provide the children with warmth, security and clear boundaries with the aim of helping them experience and encourage their personal development so that they are ble to integrate productively into society.

The Thomas Wiser Haus foundation was founded in Regenstauf in 1880 through the will and testament of the theologian and educationalist, Dr. Thomas Wiser. In addition to the house in Regenstauf, there are now further centres in the counties of Regensburg, Schwandorf and Cham.

Find more information at: http://thomas-wiser-haus.de/