Grafik Köpfe Standort-Architekt

We are site architects


bayernhafen comprises six locations: Aschaffenburg, Bamberg, Nuremberg, Roth, Regensburg and Passau. What makes its locations so outstanding is the combination of direct proximity to economically important geographical hubs and efficient linking of the transport routes of inland waterway, rail and road. Every year, about 9 million tonnes of goods are moved by inland waterway and rail.

bayernhafen acts as a ‘site architect’ that develops strategies spanning different companies and locations, invests in infrastructure, and cooperates closely with the companies settled in its ports to tap new potential for value creation. Its objective is to further strengthen the position of the ports as logistics hubs and as major platforms for the global exchange of goods. Strategic land management ensures a mix of industries from the transport, warehousing, logistics, service provision and production sectors.

800 hectares (8 km2) of total port area and more than 400 companies operating from its ports providing over 13,000 jobs also make bayernhafen one of the best-performing logistics networks in Europe and one of the major drivers of the Bavarian economy. bayernhafen itself has 200 employees.

Grafik Hände mit Hafengeschehen und Natur

Green Logistics in Bavaria - Big on sustainability

Sustainable means creating something that lasts, something built for the future which uses resources sparingly. Do the bayernhafen inland ports deliver on this? Or perhaps more pertinently: What contribution is the group making to what is known nowadays as “green logistics”?

Sustainable mobility

Goods ensure our quality of life – goods such as food, energy, building materials and fuels, computers, washing machines and pianos. Other goods, such as German-made machines, are exported. One decisive factor is that all of these goods are transported in a way that is as environmentally compatible as possible. The bayernhafen locations deliver on this requirement by smartly integrating the three freight forms of road, rail and inland waterway. Combined transport (CT) involves at least two modes of transport combined into a transport chain, e.g. road/rail or road/inland waterway. The result: a two-thirds reduction in energy consumption and transport-related CO2 emissions per freight unit compared to exclusively road-based freight. The inland ports of bayernhafen are therefore the ideal locations for production companies with intensive logistics and transport requirements.

Conserving and managing natural resources

Land is a valuable, scarce resource in densely populated Germany. bayernhafen treats this resource with particular care. The group enables new uses of available land (conversion), creates new commercial sites with a forward-looking approach and sense of proportion, and offers its tenants “temporary ownership” through lease-holding. In this way, bayernhafen has succeeded in creating room for new, modern, demand-driven developments at its corporate locations over the course of decades.

Renewable energies

Inland ports and renewable energies complement each other perfectly. Logistics buildings with their large roof areas are ideally suited for photovoltaic systems.

A 16,000 m2 roof can supply enough solar power for around 250 households, saving around 750 tonnes of environmentally-harmful CO2 every year.

Another example is wind energy. What could possibly transport wind rotor blades measuring over 50 metres in length more safely than a barge? This is the reason why wind turbines made in Germany are transported down the Danube from bayernhafen Passau to destinations such as Bulgaria, helping to produce environmentally-friendly electricity.

Timber also plays a key role, such as at bayernhafen Aschaffenburg. It is used both as a raw material for furniture and paper production as well as for bio-energy in the form of pellets and briquettes. The latter are produced in a biomass-CHP plant located on port premises and are shipped via the container terminal. The proximity to production sites and the environmentally advantageous transport offered by inland waterway and rail offer huge benefits – both for companies and for our environment as a whole.

Balance of interests

The six bayernhafen locations providing around 13,000 jobs are key drivers of the economies in their respective regions. Around 9 million tonnes of goods are moved at these locations by inland waterway and rail every year. The primary objective is to prevent or reduce harmful emissions to the greatest possible extent. Where emissions cannot be avoided, a safe distance is always maintained to neighbouring companies and communities. bayernhafen remains in close dialogue with the local authorities, helping to strike a balance between the interests of business and local residents.